MariaDB 또는 MySQL에서 지원하는 Built-in 함수 설명 및 예제
MariaDB 또는 MySQL에서 수많은 내장 함수를 지원합니다. C언어나 Python에서 지원하는 String함수, Numeric 함수뿐 아니라 관계형 DB에서만 지원하는 함수도 있습니다. MariaDB의 함수 리스트는에서 확인이 가능하면 관계형 DB에서만 사용되는 독특한 함수 예제 위주로 설명하도록 하겠습니다. 각각의 함수는 굳이 암기할 필요는 없고, 대략의 함수 지원 범위만 알고 있고 함수를 사용할 때 마다 Reference 사이트를 참고하는 것을 추천드립니다.
Built Function 종류
- String Functions
- Date & Time Funcitons
- Aggregate Functions
- Numeric Functions
- Call Flow Functions
- Pseudo Columns
- Bit Functions
- Encryption, Hash and Compression Functions
- Information Functions
- Dynamic Columns Functions
- Geographic Functions
- JSON Functions
- Windows Functions
Aggregate Functions 예제
Group BY 와 연동해서 평균 AVG() 함수를 사용하는 예제입니다. 각 개인별로 SQL과 Tunning 점수를 GROUP BY로 합쳐서 평균을 계산합니다. AVG() 함수 대신 MAX(maximum), MIN(minimum), SUM(sum total), TDDEV_POP (equivalent, standard SQL), STDDEV (equivalent, Oracle-compatible non-standard SQL), VAR_POP (variance), STDDEV_SAMP (sample standard deviation) 함수를 사용할 수 있습니다.
CREATE TABLE student (name CHAR(10), test CHAR(10), score TINYINT);
('Chun', 'SQL', 75), ('Chun', 'Tuning', 73),
('Esben', 'SQL', 43), ('Esben', 'Tuning', 31),
('Kaolin', 'SQL', 56), ('Kaolin', 'Tuning', 88),
('Tatiana', 'SQL', 87), ('Tatiana', 'Tuning', 83);
SELECT name, AVG(score) FROM student GROUP BY name;
Windows 함수를 사용하는 예제입니다.
SELECT name, test, score, AVG(score) OVER (PARTITION BY test) AS average_by_test FROM student;
SELECT name, test, score, AVG(score) OVER (PARTITION BY name) AS average_by_name FROM student;
Date Function 예제
날짜가 30인 경우 출력
SELECT d FROM t1 where DAYOFMONTH(d) = 30;
한 달 이후 날짜 출력
Date 포맷 변환
SELECT DATE_FORMAT('1900-10-04 22:23:00', '%D %y %a %d %m %b %j');
SELECT DATE_FORMAT('1997-10-04 22:23:00', '%H %k %I %r %T %S %w');
SELECT DATE_FORMAT('1999-01-01', '%X %V');
SELECT DATE_FORMAT('2006-06-00', '%d');
UTC Time 값 얻어오기
Control Functions
IF() 함수 예제
CASE() 예제
Function and Operator Reference (출처: 링크)
Name | Description |
+ | Addition operator |
/ | Division operator |
* | Multiplication operator |
% | Modulo operator. Returns the remainder of N divided by M |
- | Subtraction operator |
!= | Not equals |
< | Less than |
<= | Less than or equal |
<=> | NULL-safe equal |
= | Equal |
> | Greater than |
>= | Greater than or equal |
& | Bitwise AND |
<< | Shift left |
>> | Shift right |
^ | Bitwise XOR |
! | Logical NOT |
&& | Logical AND |
XOR | Logical XOR |
|| | Logical OR |
| | Bitwise OR |
:= | Assignment operator |
= | Assignment and comparison operator |
~ | Bitwise NOT |
ABS | Returns an absolute value |
ACOS | Returns an arc cosine |
ADD_MONTHS | Add months to a date |
ADDDATE | Add days or another interval to a date |
ADDTIME | Adds a time to a time or datetime |
AES_DECRYPT | Decryption data encrypted with AES_ENCRYPT |
AES_ENCRYPT | Encrypts a string with the AES algorithm |
AREA | Synonym for ST_AREA |
AsBinary | Synonym for ST_AsBinary |
ASCII | Numeric ASCII value of leftmost character |
ASIN | Returns the arc sine |
AsText | Synonym for ST_AsText |
AsWKB | Synonym for ST_AsBinary |
AsWKT | Synonym for ST_AsText |
ATAN | Returns the arc tangent |
ATAN2 | Returns the arc tangent of two variables |
AVG | Returns the average value |
BENCHMARK | Executes an expression repeatedly |
BETWEEN AND | True if expression between two values |
BIN | Returns binary value |
BINARY OPERATOR | Casts to a binary string |
BINLOG_GTID_POS | Returns a string representation of the corresponding GTID position |
BIT_AND | Bitwise AND |
BIT_COUNT | Returns the number of set bits |
BIT_LENGTH | Returns the length of a string in bits |
BIT_OR | Bitwise OR |
BIT_XOR | Bitwise XOR |
BUFFER | Synonym for ST_BUFFER |
CASE | Returns the result where value=compare_value or for the first condition that is true |
CAST | Casts a value of one type to another type |
CEIL | Synonym for CEILING() |
CEILING | Returns the smallest integer not less than X |
CHAR Function | Returns string based on the integer values for the individual characters |
CHAR_LENGTH | Length of the string in characters |
CHARSET | Returns the character set |
CHR | Returns a string consisting of the character given by the code values of the integer |
COALESCE | Returns the first non-NULL parameter |
COERCIBILITY | Returns the collation coercibility value |
COLLATION | Collation of the string argument |
COLUMN_ADD | Adds or updates dynamic columns |
COLUMN_CHECK | Checks if a dynamic column blob is valid |
COLUMN_CREATE | Returns a dynamic columns blob |
COLUMN_DELETE | Deletes a dynamic column |
COLUMN_EXISTS | Checks is a column exists |
COLUMN_GET | Gets a dynamic column value by name |
COLUMN_JSON | Returns a JSON representation of dynamic column blob data |
COLUMN_LIST | Returns comma-separated list |
COMPRESS | Returns a binary, compressed string |
CONCAT | Returns concatenated string |
CONCAT_WS | Concatenate with separator |
CONNECTION_ID | Connection thread ID |
CONTAINS | Whether one geometry contains another |
CONVERT | Convert a value from one type to another type |
CONV | Converts numbers between different number bases |
CONVERT_TZ | Converts a datetime from on time zone to another |
COS | Returns the cosine |
COT | Returns the cotangent |
COUNT | Returns count of non-null values |
COUNT DISTINCT | Returns count of number of different non-NULL values |
CRC32 | Computes a cyclic redundancy check value |
CROSSES | Whether two geometries spatially cross |
CUME_DIST | Window function that returns the cumulative distribution of a given row |
CURDATE | Returns the current date |
CURRENT_DATE | Synonym for CURDATE() |
CURRENT_ROLE | Current role name |
CURRENT_TIME | Synonym for CURTIME() |
CURRENT_USER | Username/host that authenicated the current client |
CURTIME | Returns the current time |
DATABASE | Current default database |
DATE FUNCTION | Extracts the date portion of a datetime |
DATEDIFF | Difference in days between two date/time values |
DATE_ADD | Date arithmetic - addition |
DATE_FORMAT | Formats the date value according to the format string |
DATE_SUB | Date arithmetic - subtraction |
DAY | Synonym for DAYOFMONTH() |
DAYNAME | Return the name of the weekday |
DAYOFMONTH | Returns the day of the month |
DAYOFWEEK | Returns the day of the week index |
DAYOFYEAR | Returns the day of the year |
DECODE | Decrypts a string encoded with ENCODE() |
DECODE_HISTOGRAM | Returns comma separated numerics corresponding to a probability distribution represented by a histogram |
DEFAULT | Returns column default |
DEGREES | Converts from radians to degrees |
DENSE_RANK | Rank of a given row with identical values receiving the same result, no skipping |
DES_DECRYPT | Decrypts a string encrypted with DES_ENCRYPT() |
DES_ENCRYPT | Encrypts a string using the Triple-DES algorithm |
DISJOINT | Whether the two elements do not intersect |
DIV | Integer division |
ELT | Returns the N'th element from a set of strings |
ENCODE | Encrypts a string |
ENCRYPT | Encrypts a string with Unix crypt() |
EQUALS | Indicates whether two geometries are spatially equal |
EXP | e raised to the power of the argument |
EXPORT_SET | Returns an on string for every bit set, an off string for every bit not set |
ExteriorRing | Synonym for ST_ExteriorRing |
EXTRACT | Extracts a portion of the date |
EXTRACTVALUE | Returns the text of the first text node matched by the XPath expression |
FIELD | Returns the index position of a string in a list |
FIND_IN_SET | Returns the position of a string in a set of strings |
FLOOR | Largest integer value not greater than the argument |
FORMAT | Formats a number |
FOUND_ROWS | Number of (potentially) returned rows |
FROM_BASE64 | Given a base-64 encoded string, returns the decoded result as a binary string |
FROM_DAYS | Returns a date given a day |
FROM_UNIXTIME | Returns a datetime from a Unix timestamp |
GeomCollFromText | Synonym for ST_GeomCollFromText |
GeomCollFromWKB | Synonym for ST_GeomCollFromWKB |
GeometryCollectionFromText | Synonym for ST_GeomCollFromText |
GeometryCollectionFromWKB | Synonym for ST_GeomCollFromWKB |
GeometryFromText | Synonym for ST_GeomFromText |
GeometryFromWKB | Synonym for ST_GeomFromWKB |
GeomFromText | Synonym for ST_GeomFromText |
GeomFromWKB | Synonym for ST_GeomFromWKB |
GeometryN | Synonym for ST_GeometryN |
GEOMETRYCOLLECTION | Constructs a WKB GeometryCollection |
GeometryType | Synonym for ST_GeometryType |
GET_FORMAT | Returns a format string |
GET_LOCK | Obtain LOCK |
GLENGTH | Length of a LineString value |
GREATEST | Returns the largest argument |
GROUP_CONCAT | Returns string with concatenated values from a group |
HEX | Returns hexadecimal value |
HOUR | Returns the hour |
IF | If expr1 is TRUE, returns expr2; otherwise returns expr3 |
IFNULL | Check whether an expression is NULL |
IN | True if expression equals any of the values in the list |
INTERVAL | Index of the argument that is less than the first argument |
INET6_ATON | Given an IPv6 or IPv4 network address, returns a VARBINARY numeric value |
INET6_NTOA | Given an IPv6 or IPv4 network address, returns the address as a nonbinary string |
INET_ATON | Returns numeric value of IPv4 address |
INET_NTOA | Returns dotted-quad representation of IPv4 address |
INSERT Function | Replaces a part of a string with another string |
INSTR | Returns the position of a string withing a string |
InteriorRingN | Synonym for ST_InteriorRingN |
INTERSECTS | Indicates whether two geometries spatially intersect |
IS | Tests whether a boolean is TRUE, FALSE, or UNKNOWN |
IsClosed | Synonym for ST_IsClosed |
IsEmpty | Synonym for ST_IsEmpty |
IS_FREE_LOCK | Checks whether lock is free to use |
IS_IPV4 | Whether or not an expression is a valid IPv4 address |
IS_IPV4_COMPAT | Whether or not an IPv6 address is IPv4-compatible |
IS_IPV4_MAPPED | Whether an IPv6 address is a valid IPv4-mapped address |
IS_IPV6 | Whether or not an expression is a valid IPv6 address |
IS NOT | Tests whether a boolean value is not TRUE, FALSE, or UNKNOWN |
IS NOT NULL | Tests whether a value is not NULL |
IS NULL | Tests whether a value is NULL |
ISNULL | Checks if an expression is NULL |
IsRing | Synonym for ST_IsRing |
IsSimple | Synonym for ST_IsSimple |
IS_USED_LOCK | Check if lock is in use |
JSON_ARRAY | Returns a JSON array containing the listed values |
JSON_ARRAY_APPEND | Appends values to the end of the given arrays within a JSON document |
JSON_ARRAY_INSERT | Inserts a value into a JSON document |
JSON_COMPACT | Removes all unnecessary spaces so the json document is as short as possible |
JSON_CONTAINS | Whether a value is found in a given JSON document or at a specified path within the document |
JSON_CONTAINS_PATH | Indicates whether the given JSON document contains data at the specified path or paths |
JSON_DEPTH | Maximum depth of a JSON document |
JSON_DETAILED | Represents JSON in the most understandable way emphasizing nested structures |
JSON_EXISTS | Determines whether a specified JSON value exists in the given data |
JSON_EXTRACT | Extracts data from a JSON document |
JSON_INSERT | Inserts data into a JSON document |
JSON_KEYS | Returns keys from top-level value of a JSON object or top-level keys from the path |
JSON_LENGTH | Returns the length of a JSON document, or the length of a value within the document |
JSON_LOOSE | Adds spaces to a JSON document to make it look more readable |
JSON_MERGE | Merges the given JSON documents |
JSON_OBJECT | Returns a JSON object containing the given key/value pairs |
JSON_QUERY | Given a JSON document, returns an object or array specified by the path |
JSON_QUOTE | Quotes a string as a JSON value |
JSON_REMOVE | Removes data from a JSON document |
JSON_REPLACE | Replaces existing values in a JSON document |
JSON_SEARCH | Returns the path to the given string within a JSON document |
JSON_SET | Updates or inserts data into a JSON document |
JSON_TABLE | Returns a representation of a JSON document as a relational table |
JSON_TYPE | Returns the type of a JSON value |
JSON_UNQUOTE | Unquotes a JSON value, returning a string |
JSON_VALID | Whether a value is a valid JSON document or not |
JSON_VALUE | Given a JSON document, returns the specified scalar |
LAST_DAY | Returns the last day of the month |
LAST_INSERT_ID | Last inserted autoinc value |
LAST_VALUE | Returns the last value in a list |
LASTVAL | Get last value generated from a sequence |
LCASE | Synonym for [LOWER() |
LEAST | Returns the smallest argument |
LEFT | Returns the leftmost characters from a string |
LENGTH | Length of the string in bytes |
LIKE | Whether expression matches a pattern |
LineFromText | Synonym for ST_LineFromText |
LineFromWKB | Synonym for ST_LineFromWKB |
LINESTRING | Constructs a WKB LineString value from a number of WKB Point arguments |
LineStringFromText | Synonym for ST_LineFromText |
LineStringFromWKB | Synonym for ST_LineFromWKB |
LN | Returns natural logarithm |
LOAD_FILE | Returns file contents as a string |
LOCALTIME | Synonym for NOW() |
LOCALTIMESTAMP | Synonym for NOW() |
LOCATE | Returns the position of a substring in a string |
LOG | Returns the natural logarithm |
LOG10 | Returns the base-10 logarithm |
LOG2 | Returns the base-2 logarithm |
LOWER | Returns a string with all characters changed to lowercase |
LPAD | Returns the string left-padded with another string to a given length |
LTRIM | Returns the string with leading space characters removed |
MAKE_SET | Make a set of strings that matches a bitmask |
MAKEDATE | Returns a date given a year and day |
MAKETIME | Returns a time |
MASTER_GTID_WAIT | Wait until slave reaches the GTID position |
MASTER_POS_WAIT | Blocks until the slave has applied all specified updates |
MATCH AGAINST | Perform a fulltext search on a fulltext index |
MAX | Returns the maximum value |
MBRContains | Indicates one Minimum Bounding Rectangle contains another |
MBRDisjoint | Indicates whether the Minimum Bounding Rectangles of two geometries are disjoint |
MBREqual | Whether the Minimum Bounding Rectangles of two geometries are the same. |
MBRIntersects | Indicates whether the Minimum Bounding Rectangles of the two geometries intersect |
MBROverlaps | Whether the Minimum Bounding Rectangles of two geometries overlap. |
MBRTouches | Whether the Minimum Bounding Rectangles of two geometries touch. |
MBRWithin | Indicates whether one Minimum Bounding Rectangle is within another |
MD5 | MD5 checksum |
MEDIAN | Window function that returns the median value of a range of values |
MICROSECOND | Returns microseconds from a date or datetime |
MID | Synonym for SUBSTRING(str,pos,len) |
MIN | Returns the minimum value |
MINUTE | Returns a minute from 0 to 59 |
MLineFromText | Constructs MULTILINESTRING using its WKT representation and SRID |
MLineFromWKB | Constructs a MULTILINESTRING |
MOD | Modulo operation. Remainder of N divided by M |
MONTH | Returns a month from 1 to 12 |
MONTHNAME | Returns the full name of the month |
MPointFromText | Constructs a MULTIPOINT value using its WKT and SRID |
MPointFromWKB | Constructs a MULTIPOINT value using its WKB representation and SRID |
MPolyFromText | Constructs a MULTIPOLYGON value |
MPolyFromWKB | Constructs a MULTIPOLYGON value using its WKB representation and SRID |
MultiLineStringFromText | Synonym for MLineFromText |
MultiLineStringFromWKB | A synonym for MLineFromWKB |
MULTIPOINT | Constructs a WKB MultiPoint value |
MultiPointFromText | Synonym for MPointFromText |
MultiPointFromWKB | Synonym for MPointFromWKB |
MULTIPOLYGON | Constructs a WKB MultiPolygon |
MultiPolygonFromText | Synonym for MPolyFromText |
MultiPolygonFromWKB | Synonym for MPolyFromWKB |
MULTILINESTRING | Constructs a MultiLineString value |
NAME_CONST | Returns the given value |
NOT LIKE | Same as NOT(expr LIKE pat [ESCAPE 'escape_char']) |
NOT REGEXP | Same as NOT (expr REGEXP pat) |
NULLIF | Returns NULL if expr1 = expr2 |
NEXTVAL | Generate next value for sequence |
NOT BETWEEN | Same as NOT (expr BETWEEN min AND max) |
NOT IN | Same as NOT (expr IN (value,...)) |
NOW | Returns the current date and time |
NTILE | Returns an integer indicating which group a given row falls into |
NumGeometries | Synonym for ST_NumGeometries |
NumInteriorRings | Synonym for NumInteriorRings |
NumPoints | Synonym for ST_NumPoints |
OCT | Returns octal value |
OCTET_LENGTH | Synonym for LENGTH() |
OLD_PASSWORD | Pre MySQL 4.1 password implementation |
ORD | Return ASCII or character code |
OVERLAPS | Indicates whether two elements spatially overlap |
PASSWORD | Calculates a password string |
PERCENT_RANK | Window function that returns the relative percent rank of a given row |
PERCENTILE_CONT | Returns a value which corresponds to the given fraction in the sort order. |
PERCENTILE_DISC | Returns the first value in the set whose ordered position is the same or more than the specified fraction. |
PERIOD_ADD | Add months to a period |
PERIOD_DIFF | Number of months between two periods |
PI | Returns the value of π (pi) |
POINT | Constructs a WKB Point |
PointFromText | Synonym for ST_PointFromText |
PointFromWKB | Synonym for PointFromWKB |
PointN | Synonym for PointN |
PointOnSurface | Synonym for ST_PointOnSurface |
POLYGON | Constructs a WKB Polygon value from a number of WKB LineString arguments |
PolyFromText | Synonym for ST_PolyFromText |
PolyFromWKB | Synonym for ST_PolyFromWKB |
PolygonFromText | Synonym for ST_PolyFromText |
PolygonFromWKB | Synonym for ST_PolyFromWKB |
POSITION | Returns the position of a substring in a string |
POW | Returns X raised to the power of Y |
POWER | Synonym for POW() |
QUARTER | Returns year quarter from 1 to 4 |
QUOTE | Returns quoted, properly escaped string |
RADIANS | Converts from degrees to radians |
RAND | Random floating-point value |
RANK | Rank of a given row with identical values receiving the same result |
REGEXP | Performs pattern matching |
REGEXP_INSTR | Position of the first appearance of a regex |
REGEXP_REPLACE | Replaces all occurrences of a pattern |
REGEXP_SUBSTR | Returns the matching part of a string |
RELEASE_LOCK | Releases lock obtained with GET_LOCK() |
REPEAT Function | Returns a string repeated a number of times |
REPLACE Function | Replace occurrences of a string |
REVERSE | Reverses the order of a string |
RIGHT | Returns the rightmost N characters from a string |
RLIKE | Synonym for REGEXP() |
RPAD | Returns the string right-padded with another string to a given length |
ROUND | Rounds a number |
ROW_COUNT | Number of rows affected by previous statement |
ROW_NUMBER | Row number of a given row with identical values receiving a different result |
RTRIM | Returns the string with trailing space characters removed |
SCHEMA | Synonym for DATABASE() |
SECOND | Returns the second of a time |
SEC_TO_TIME | Converts a second to a time |
SETVAL | Set the next value to be returned by a sequence |
SESSION_USER | Synonym for USER() |
SHA | Synonym for SHA1() |
SHA1 | Calculates an SHA-1 checksum |
SHA2 | Calculates an SHA-2 checksum |
SIGN | Returns 1, 0 or -1 |
SIN | Returns the sine |
SLEEP | Pauses for the given number of seconds |
SOUNDEX | Returns a string based on how the string sounds |
SPACE | Returns a string of space characters |
SPIDER_BG_DIRECT_SQL | Background SQL execution |
SPIDER_COPY_TABLES | Copy table data |
SPIDER_DIRECT_SQL | Execute SQL on the remote server |
SPIDER_FLUSH_TABLE_MON_CACHE | Refreshing Spider monitoring server information |
SQRT | Square root |
SRID | Synonym for ST_SRID |
ST_AREA | Area of a Polygon |
ST_AsBinary | Converts a value to its WKB representation |
ST_AsText | Converts a value to its WKT-Definition |
ST_AsWKB | Synonym for ST_AsBinary |
ST_ASWKT | Synonym for ST_ASTEXT() |
ST_BOUNDARY | Returns a geometry that is the closure of a combinatorial boundary |
ST_BUFFER | A new geometry with a buffer added to the original geometry |
ST_CENTROID | The mathematical centroid (geometric center) for a MultiPolygon |
ST_CONTAINS | Whether one geometry is contained by another |
ST_CONVEXHULL | The minimum convex geometry enclosing all geometries within the set |
ST_CROSSES | Whether two geometries spatially cross |
ST_DIFFERENCE | Point set difference |
ST_DIMENSION | Inherent dimension of a geometry value |
ST_DISJOINT | Whether one geometry is spatially disjoint from another |
ST_DISTANCE | The distance between two geometries |
ST_DISTANCE_SPHERE | The spherical distance between two geometries |
ST_ENDPOINT | Returns the endpoint of a LineString |
ST_ENVELOPE | Returns the Minimum Bounding Rectangle for a geometry value |
ST_EQUALS | Whether two geometries are spatoially equal |
ST_ExteriorRing | Returns the exterior ring of a Polygon as a LineString |
ST_GeomCollFromText | Constructs a GEOMETRYCOLLECTION value |
ST_GeomCollFromWKB | Constructs a GEOMETRYCOLLECTION value from a WKB |
ST_GeometryCollectionFromText | Synonym for ST_GeomCollFromText |
ST_GeometryCollectionFromWKB | Synonym for ST_GeomCollFromWKB |
ST_GeometryFromText | Synonym for ST_GeomFromText |
ST_GeometryFromWKB | Synonym for ST_GeomFromWKB |
ST_GEOMETRYN | Returns the N-th geometry in a GeometryCollection |
ST_GEOMETRYTYPE | Returns name of the geometry type of which a given geometry instance is a member |
ST_GeomFromText | Constructs a geometry value using its WKT and SRID |
ST_GeomFromWKB | Constructs a geometry value using its WKB representation and SRID |
ST_InteriorRingN | Returns the N-th interior ring for a Polygon |
ST_INTERSECTION | The intersection, or shared portion, of two geometries |
ST_INTERSECTS | Whether two geometries spatially intersect |
ST_ISCLOSED | Returns true if a given LINESTRING's start and end points are the same |
ST_ISEMPTY | Indicated validity of geometry value |
ST_IsRing | Returns true if a given LINESTRING is both ST_IsClosed and ST_IsSimple |
ST_IsSimple | Returns true if the given Geometry has no anomalous geometric points |
ST_LENGTH | Length of a LineString value |
ST_LineFromText | Creates a linestring value |
ST_LineFromWKB | Constructs a LINESTRING using its WKB and SRID |
ST_LineStringFromText | Synonym for ST_LineFromText |
ST_LineStringFromWKB | Synonym for ST_LineFromWKB |
ST_NUMGEOMETRIES | Number of geometries in a GeometryCollection |
ST_NumInteriorRings | Number of interior rings in a Polygon |
ST_NUMPOINTS | Returns the number of Point objects in a LineString |
ST_OVERLAPS | Whether two geometries overlap |
ST_PointFromText | Constructs a POINT value |
ST_PointFromWKB | Constructs POINT using its WKB and SRID |
ST_POINTN | Returns the N-th Point in the LineString |
ST_POINTONSURFACE | Returns a POINT guaranteed to intersect a surface |
ST_PolyFromText | Constructs a POLYGON value |
ST_PolyFromWKB | Constructs POLYGON value using its WKB representation and SRID |
ST_PolygonFromText | Synonym for ST_PolyFromText |
ST_PolygonFromWKB | Synonym for ST_PolyFromWKB |
ST_RELATE | Returns true if two geometries are related |
ST_SRID | Returns a Spatial Reference System ID |
ST_STARTPOINT | Returns the start point of a LineString |
ST_SYMDIFFERENCE | Portions of two geometries that don't intersect |
ST_TOUCHES | Whether one geometry g1 spatially touches another |
ST_UNION | Union of two geometries |
ST_WITHIN | Whether one geometry is within another |
ST_X | X-coordinate value for a point |
ST_Y | Y-coordinate for a point |
STARTPOINT | Synonym for ST_StartPoint |
STD | Population standard deviation |
STDDEV | Population standard deviation |
STDDEV_POP | Returns the population standard deviation |
STDDEV_SAMP | Standard deviation |
STR_TO_DATE | Converts a string to date |
STRCMP | Compares two strings in sort order |
SUBDATE | Subtract a date unit or number of days |
SUBSTR | Returns a substring from string starting at a given position |
SUBSTRING | Returns a substring from string starting at a given position |
SUBSTRING_INDEX | Returns the substring from string before count occurrences of a delimiter |
SUBTIME | Subtracts a time from a date/time |
SUM | Sum total |
SYS_GUID | Generates a globally unique identifier |
SYSDATE | Returns the current date and time |
SYSTEM_USER | Synonym for USER() |
TAN | Returns the tangent |
TIME function | Extracts the time |
TIMEDIFF | Returns the difference between two date/times |
TIMESTAMP FUNCTION | Return the datetime, or add a time to a date/time |
TIMESTAMPADD | Add interval to a date or datetime |
TIMESTAMPDIFF | Difference between two datetimes |
TIME_FORMAT | Formats the time value according to the format string |
TIME_TO_SEC | Returns the time argument, converted to seconds |
TO_BASE64 | Converts a string to its base-64 encoded form |
TO_CHAR | Converts a date/time type to a char |
TO_DAYS | Number of days since year 0 |
TO_SECONDS | Number of seconds since year 0 |
TOUCHES | Whether two geometries spatially touch |
TRIM | Returns a string with all given prefixes or suffixes removed |
TRUNCATE | Truncates X to D decimal places |
UCASE | Synonym for UPPER]]() |
UNHEX | Interprets pairs of hex digits as a number and converts to the character represented by the number |
UNCOMPRESS | Uncompresses string compressed with COMPRESS() |
UNCOMPRESSED_LENGTH | Returns length of a string before being compressed with COMPRESS() |
UNIX_TIMESTAMP | Returns a Unix timestamp |
UPPER | Changes string to uppercase |
USER | Current user/host |
UTC_DATE | Returns the current UTC date |
UTC_TIME | Returns the current UTC time |
UTC_TIMESTAMP | Returns the current UTC date and time |
UUID | Returns a Universal Unique Identifier |
UUID_SHORT | Return short universal identifier |
VAR_POP | Population standard variance |
VAR_SAMP | Returns the sample variance |
VARIANCE | Population standard variance |
VERSION | MariaDB server version |
WEEK | Returns the week number |
WEEKDAY | Returns the weekday index |
WEEKOFYEAR | Returns the calendar week of the date as a number in the range from 1 to 53 |
WEIGHT_STRING | Weight of the input string |
WITHIN | Indicate whether a geographic element is spacially within another |
X | Synonym for ST_X |
Y | Synonym for ST_Y |
YEAR | Returns the year for the given date |
YEARWEEK | Returns year and week for a date |
관련 글:
[SW 개발/Data 분석 (RDB, NoSQL, Dataframe)] - CSV 파일에서 MariaDB(또는 MySQL)로 데이터 가져오는 방법
[SW 개발/Data 분석 (RDB, NoSQL, Dataframe)] - MariaDB 또는 MySQL에서 사용하는 Data type 정리
[SW 개발/Data 분석 (RDB, NoSQL, Dataframe)] - 우분투 20.04에서 MariaDB 설치 및 기본 동작 확인 명령어
[개발환경/우분투] - 대용량 파일을 작은 크기로 분할하는 방법: split
[SW 개발/Data 분석 (RDB, NoSQL, Dataframe)] - Jupyter Notebook의 업그레이드: Jupyter Lab 설치 및 extension 사용법
[SW 개발/Python] - Python: 날짜와 시간 처리 함수(현재 날짜, 어제 날짜, UTC 시간)
[SW 개발/REST API] - JWT(JSON Web Token) Encoding 방법 (Python sample code)